Why Umbrella Insurance is a Must

When you are likely already purchasing a number of insurance policies to help protect your family and assets such as homeowners and auto insurance it may seem like overkill to purchase an umbrella policy, but the reality is it’s not. Otherwise known as excess liability insurance, an umbrella policy helps to supplement your existing liability coverage for everything from your auto to a homeowners policy. In short, your umbrella policy kicks in when you’ve exhausted your existing liability coverage and helps ensure your assets are safeguarded. 

For example, if you are in an automobile accident that involves multiple third parties being injured and are deemed to be at fault, then you can anticipate being on the hook for thousands and thousands of dollars in damages which can quickly surpass your existing liability coverage. In these situations, your umbrella policy kicks into gear to ensure that you don’t have to cover any excess damages that could leave you in financial ruin. When deciding how much umbrella coverage you need, it’s important to factor in the totality of your assets which could include homes, retirement accounts, investments, and savings. The higher your total assets the more umbrella coverage that you need. Additionally, take risk into account by factoring in your environment such as whether you have a dog that is prone to barking aggressively at strangers or have a pool that all the neighborhood kids use. Similar to your assets, the higher your risk the more umbrella coverage that you may need.

When it comes time to find the right umbrella insurance policy, let the professionals at Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. in Pinecrest, FL help. Not only will we take the time to learn about your needs, but also we’ll customize a policy that makes the right sense for you and your family. 

5 ways your employees will benefit from workers comp insurance

Depending on the nature of your business, employees are likely to experience work-related injuries. In the construction or manufacturing industries, these injuries could frequently be resulting in substantial financial obligations for your business. The workers’ compensation insurance is a program that covers your employees against work-related injuries or illness arising from work-related activities. The state mandates this program, and you must speak to one of our agents at Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. in Pinecrest, FL on how your company can benefit from worker’s compensation insurance.

Benefits of workers comp insurance

  • Medical expenses

The workers’ comp insurance covers your employees’ medical expenses related to a work-related injury or illness. This may include emergency room visits, surgeries, and doctor’s prescriptions. Some work injuries may be repetitive or occur over a long period of time. Exposure to some work environments may result in long term illnesses which are covered by the workers’ comp insurance.

  • Missed wages

Some work-related injuries may require your employees to stay away from work until they are completely healed. This can be a substantial cost to the company to pay salaries to employees who are not working continually. The workers’ compensation insurance pays your employees wages that miss while recovering from their injuries or illnesses.

  • Disability

Where workers become temporary or permanently disabled, the workers’ comp insurance provides your disabled employees with benefits that help pay their medical bills as well as replace their lost income.

  • Ongoing medical cost

Injuries to the back may require constant physical therapy. This could be expensive for your organization to maintain. The workers’ comp insurance will cover such ongoing costs, including providing the right workplace equipment such as an ergonomic seat the employee may require.

  • Funeral expenses

Sadly, your employee may lose life as a result of a work-related accident. This policy will cover the funeral expenses and provide death benefits to the employee’s beneficiaries.

Please visit our offices or speak to one of our agents at Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. in Pinecrest, FL on the many benefits your employees will gain from worker’s comp insurance.

What are the benefits of getting farm insurance?

The farming and agriculture industry continues to be extremely important as it helps to ensure that people all over the world are able to gain access to healthy food. At the same time, those that own farms in the Pinecrest, FL area also own large businesses that could be quite valuable. If you are in the agriculture industry, it is important to protect your farm with proper insurance. There are several benefits that come when you get a full farm insurance policy. 

Liability Protection

If you are an owner of a farm, you are going to be taking on a lot of different liability risks. This could include risks that someone could be injured while they are on your farm or if a product you sell causes an injury or illness to another party. Since the damages associated with this risk could be serious, you will want to make sure that you are properly covered at all times with a farm insurance policy. 

Coverage for Assets

Another reason that you should get farm insurance is that it will give you coverage for your farm’s assets. A farm owner is going to invest a lot in different assets that are needed to build and operate the business. To ensure that these assets are protected, you will need to get farm insurance as it will give you a certain level of coverage for your business assets.

There are a lot of reasons that you should get a farm insurance policy. When you are looking for this insurance, you should reach out to the team at Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. The team at Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. can help farm owners all over the Pinecrest, FL area get into insurance policies that protect themselves and their investments. 

Why should I get auto insurance in Florida?

In the Pinecrest, FL area, people will have plenty of access to a lot of local amenities. In order to get around quickly and efficiently, you will need to own a car. When you are looking for a car, you should also spend time thinking about your insurance needs. There are several reasons why someone here should get an auto insurance policy. 

Provides Coverage for Vehicle

One reason that you should get auto insurance in Florida is that it can protect your vehicle. Any vehicle will require you to spend money on the purchase, maintenance, and service. To protect this investment, you need to protect your car with insurance. A full collision and comprehensive insurance policy can provide you with the coverage you need to mitigate the risk of theft or accident damage.

Coverage for Liability Risk

Another risk that you should mitigate is the risk of liability. Those that drive a car are going to frequently take on the risk that they could cause damage in an accident. If this occurs, you will need to pay for the associated damages. Fortunately, you can offset this risk if you are able to get an insurance policy. Auto insurance will include a certain level of auto liability protection that can provide you with ample coverage. 

Having auto insurance in the Pinecrest, FL area is clearly a very important responsibility. If you are looking for a new insurance policy here, you need to make sure you choose the right policy that meets your needs. As you are looking for a new policy, you should call Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. When you speak with Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. you can learn a lot more about what your options are and how you can best mitigate your personal risks. 

How to Create a Safer Home Environment

Home insurance from Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. will protect your Pinecrest, FL home from outside elements that can damage your dwelling or belongings. By improving home safety, you reduce the risk of accidents from within. Here are a few ways to make your home a safer place to live.


Clutter not only looks bad, it increases your risk of accidents. If you have clutter in your hallway or stairs, get rid of it today. You’ll augment your living space and create a safer home environment for you and your family.

Install Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Make sure your Pinecrest FL home has working smoke detectors in the kitchen and hallways, upstairs and downstairs, as well as a carbon monoxide alarm. Check these regularly to ensure they’re working properly to protect you against fire and carbon monoxide poisoning.  

Upgrade Window and Door Locks

Check the locks on windows and exterior doors to ensure they’re still functioning. If not, upgrade them to enhance home security. Install deadbolt locks on exterior doors as an extra precaution against theft and intrusion.

Store Medications in Safe Location

If you have children in the home, store your medications in a locked cabinet, out of sight and out of mind. Little ones can be very curious. You don’t want your children getting into your prescription drugs, either on purpose or by accident.

Improve Home Ventilation

Poor ventilation can lower air quality in your home, making you more susceptible to respiratory illnesses. To improve ventilation, install ceiling fans, and open windows whenever possible. Good ventilation will keep moisture and mold at bay to prevent health problems.  

Measures that improve safety and security in your home could help lower your home insurance costs. To learn more about home insurance for your Pinecrest, FL home, contact Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. today.

How Does Flood Insurance Work?

Flood insurance is the type of coverage, the purpose of which is to protect your home, your personal belongings, and financial wellbeing in case if your house is damaged by water. Flooding remains one of the most common natural disasters in the United States, which makes flood insurance so important to have. On average, a flood can cause up to $25,000 worth of damage.

The way flood insurance works is similar to your auto or home insurance. If the flood occurred and caused the damage, you need to document everything, file a flood insurance claim, and let a licensed adjuster have a look at the damage in order to process the claim you filed. Once everything is done, your insurance company will give you a check for the damages and you will be able to use it to repair the house and restore whatever was damaged or destroyed. 

It is also important to know that standard home insurance does not cover flood damages. Therefore, even if you have your homeowners’ insurance already, you still need to purchase flood insurance separately to protect your home from a flood. 

There are two ways to purchase food insurance – either through The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or through one of the private insurance companies of your choice. Even though it is not required to have flood insurance in Florida, it is still highly recommended to get one because the entire state of Florida is in a flood zone. 

If you are a resident of the Sunshine State and you are looking for a reliable insurance agency to purchase flood insurance, Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. serving Pinecrest, FL is ready to assist you. Whether you live in Pinecrest, FL or any other surrounding town, give Hamilton Fox & Company Inc a call today to discuss how you can protect your home and belongings from unpredictable flood events. 

Home Insurance Coverage Specifics for Pinecrest, FL Homeowners

As a homeowner, it’s essential to have a homeowner’s insurance policy. Mishaps and emergencies can occur at any time, and it’s best to be prepared. Here are the facts you need to know about the coverage specifics for home insurance in Pinecrest, FL.

As the owner of the policy, you determine the coverage amounts for:

  • Dwelling
  • Medical payments
  • Liability

Choosing Your Deductible

Your deductible is the amount of funds you will pay out-of-pocket before your insurance provides coverage. Some deductible amounts are based on a certain percentage of your home’s value while other deductibles are based on dollar amounts. Home insurance deductibles apply to damages your home or belongings sustain. These deductibles cannot be applied if you are being sued or an individual is injured in your home and files a medical claim against you.

Getting Adequate Coverage

When you’re considering getting home insurance, think about your home’s replacement cost. The replacement cost of your home is the number of funds you would need to rebuild your home if it is damaged or destroyed. Make sure you are considering the correct replacement cost and not the market value of the home. The replacement cost of your home is better to consider than the market value of the home because replacement cost provides more protection. In most situations, the cost of rebuilding the home is more than its market value.

Dwelling coverage is a part of insuring your home. Use your home’s total repair cost as the dwelling coverage limit. There are different online calculators that will help you with determining costs. It may be in your best interest to hire an appraiser to give you a definite answer on the replacement cost of your home.

Here at Hamilton Fox & Company Inc., we provide Pinecrest, FL residents with reliable home insurance, including, auto, home, commercial, and other insurance types. We know the importance of home insurance, and we are here to help meet your needs for an excellent insurance option. Contact us today to learn about our insurance solutions and how we can help.

Smart Tips for Creating a Safe Business Environment

When you own a business in Pinecrest, FL, you’re responsible for the safety and security of your employees. Depending on the nature of your business, you’ll need to put measures in place to create a safe working environment. These tips from Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. can help you get started.

Encourage Awareness

Promote safety awareness amongst your workforce to motivate them to be safety-minded. Encourage them to report hazardous conditions or situations that can lead to accidents. Take prompt action to correct these situations to create a safer work environment.

Make Contingency Plans for Disasters

Develop a plan for what to do in the event of a disaster. Designate emergency exits for employees and mark them accordingly. Conduct quarterly or bi-annual drills for vacating your business in the event of a disaster so everyone knows what to do in a crisis.

Uphold Health Standards

Educate your workers on health, safety, and cleanliness and encourage them to uphold these standards to prevent sickness and accidents.

Maintain Business Building and Workspace

Inspect your business environment periodically to see if there are upgrades that need to be made to improve safety. Clear walkways of clutter, add rubber padding to stairs, and make sure stairs have secure, slip-proof railings. 

Support Policies on Sexual Harassment

Make sure employees are aware of policies concerning sexual harassment and ensure your HR department is upholding these policies. Encourage an atmosphere of courtesy and respect in the workplace to create a safe, positive environment.

Protect Your Pinecrest, FL Business with Commercial Insurance Coverage

Talk to your Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. agent about commercial insurance to protect your Pinecrest, FL business against theft, accidents, and disaster damage. Commercial coverage protects your business assets so you can have the confidence to invest in its growth and expansion. 

Who Has to Carry Workers Comp Insurance?

If you’re looking for a worker’s comp insurance policy and have questions call the friendly agents at Hamilton Fox & Company Inc., in Pinecrest, FL.

Worker’s comp insurance is designed to help workers who get injured or become sick because of their job or workplace. The insurance pays for worker’s medical bills and a portion of their lost wages, vocational rehab, in the event of death the funeral and burial costs are also covered. Sometimes workers comp cases end up being settled with a lump sum of money. If it appears or if it does go on for a long time (years) a settlement will be offered by the insurance company who represents and holds the policy for the employer.

Small Business and Workers Comp

If a small business is also an independent business and the only person working at the business is the owner worker’s comp insurance is not needed. If the small business has a co-owner in cases that a  policy is needed specifically if one person’s name appears on all the businesses document. If the business has one employee or 300 workers comp is needed.

Large Businesses and Workers Comp

All large businesses that employ at least one person must have worker’s comp insurance. The amount of money an employee must pay for each employee far out weights the amount of money it would cost to pay out of pocket if a worker got injured or sick on or because of the job.

Except in the States of Alabama and Missouri, businesses aren’t required to have workers comp unless they have five employees. Unless it is a construction business then regardless of the number of employees the insurance is necessary.

If you need a worker’s comp insurance policy call Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. in Pinecrest, FL call today to set up an appointment.

How to Talk to Your Employees About Workers’ Compensation

No matter the size of your business, you likely want to provide some kind of security for your employees in the event they become injured or sick from conducting their job activities. It can be tricky to figure out how you should discuss these matters with people who work for you. Here are a few tips on how to do so accurately and with compassion.

Workers’ Compensation in Pinecrest, FL

In the state of Florida, all businesses with four or more employees must offer worker’s compensation. All construction companies are required to provide this insurance to all of their employees, even if they’re contractors. Make sure to tell your employees that the laws only cover those illnesses and injuries that arise during the course of employment, though it doesn’t have to occur in the workplace. This includes when they’re running errands for the company, at a work social function, or traveling for business. If any of this is confusing and you want clarification to be able to give your employees all the facts, we can help at Hamilton Fox & Company Inc.

The Complexities for Workers’ Comp Claims

There are a variety of injuries and illnesses that are covered by workers’ compensation which includes the following:

  • Occupational diseases occurring as a result of the conditions in the workplace (i.e. cancer and lung disease from being exposed to toxic chemicals)
  • Cumulative trauma from repetitive stress or strain injuries from conducting the same physical tasks repeatedly
You may bring this up to a new employee if they ask about workers’ compensation, and it’s also necessary to give him or her a document that explains the workers’ compensation benefits that are in place.
Be Professional and Helpful
At Hamilton Fox & Company Inc., we strive to explain insurance policies and benefits in a way that is accessible for everyone to understand. This way, you can take it back to your Pinecrest, FL area employees and reduce stress.