Is Flood Insurance Mandatory In Pinecrest, FL?

Floods are merely a fact of life for those who reside in Pinecrest FL and the surrounding regions. Residents of these areas often meet with Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. representatives to learn more about the options that are available to them. Did you know that there federal requirements in the region?

That’s right. Any community that participates in the National Flood Insurance Program must remain protected. The same goes for any local residents whose home has been backed by a federal loan. These two requirements essentially cover all citizens of the state of Florida, no matter the region.

These requirements are meant to protect those who reside in high-risk areas. Some homeowners may be able to skirt the federal requirements but they will need to apply for an amendment to do so. A licensed land surveyor and a registered professional engineer must look over the property before a letter of map amendment is issued.

The state of Florida itself does not require residents to purchase any flood insurance. It is important to note that these recommendations come from the federal government. Insurance companies that are located in the state of Florida must pay close attention to the statutes that have been enacted as well, as there are various laws that change on a consistent basis. 

This is how problems are avoided. Scheduling a consultation with local insurance agents is in your best interests. These meetings allow a Florida resident to learn more about their specific requirements and ensure that all federal regulations are being met. Even those who reside in non participating communities are urged to take a closer look at their current policies. 

To find out more about flood insurance requirements in Pinecrest, FL and the surrounding areas, be sure to contact Hamilton, Fox & Company Inc. as soon as possible.