How Long Do I Have to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

If you are injured while on the job, it’s important that you understand how to file a Workers’ Compensation claim. At Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. the agents are able to assist clients living in the Pinecrest, FL area if they have questions about when to file and how to file a Workers’ Compensation claim.

File As Soon As Possible

An injury at work is serious business. If possible take pictures of the area immediately after the injury and make sure they are time-stamped through your phone. After reporting the injury to your employer and seeking the appropriate medical attention, your next step is filing your claim. There are many deadlines that you need to be aware of when filing a Workers’ Compensation claim. This is why filing your claim immediately is so important.

Seek Medical Attention

Seek medical attention as soon as possible and ask for copies of all your paperwork, including the doctor’s notes. While you will also be required to see a third-party doctor provided by your employer, you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible so that all of your injuries can be properly documented and recorded.

Meet All Deadlines

Once you have filed your claim and visited the doctor, you will also have other deadlines that must be met. This includes responding to requests for information and updating your claim as necessary. It will also be up to you to contact an attorney if you think having one is necessary.

At Hamilton Fox & Company Inc., the agents are always available to assist residents living in Pinecrest, FL with all of their Workers’ Compensation insurance needs. Call or visit their office today!